Navi Times CRE, Inc. is a full service, licensed New York real estate brokerage with a clear vision for the work that needs to be done and we are committed to doing more than just real estate, but rather become an integral part in helping our clients maximize the return on their real estate investments.
Our approach to real estate is classic at heart, but is fresh and innovative utilizing all the modern technology, marketing and business models. We know time is of the essence and understand that deals need to happen not only efficiently, but in a timely manor. Each listing is handled with great consideration and we take the time necessary to make sure each listing is marketed correctly where it will reach the maximum amount of customers. With today's dependence on social media we are finding that our network has grown and we utilize sites such as linkin, facebook, twitter, googleblog, wordpress, postlets and much more. It is our job to get your property out in front of as many customers as possible.


Navahjo Stoller
Founder & CEO
(917) 418-4725

Ashley Jones
Tech Lead
(212) 928-5050

Lisa Rose
Product Manager
(212) 928-5050

Mariluz Alfonseca
NY Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
(646) 780-9184

Jeremy Markoe
Senior Vice President
(917) 536-8634

Siena Stoller
Head of Operations
(917) 975-6402

Kevin Nye
HR Lead
(212) 928-5050
Our Clients